Maison Cadiou is supporting the association The Elemen'Terre Project, driven by Marie Tabarly. Its aim is to raise awareness amongst the general public about our time’s biggest environmental and societal challenges. This long-standing project has kept the Captain and her crew busy for 2 years, culminating in the Pen Duick VI sailing round the world with no modern equipment during the OCEAN GLOBE RACE.
La course OGR 8 mois d’aventure devant les étraves ! Dimanche, à 14h (heure française), Pen Duick VI mené par Marie Tabarly
Journal de bord #16 C’est sur scène que Jimi Hendrix cassait ses guitares !
Journal de bord #11 Départ de la 3e étape de l’Ocean Globe Race à Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande !
Journal de bord #2 Pen Duick VI poursuit sa descente vers l’hémisphère Sud à grande vitesse.
Journal de bord #1 Pen Duick VI a quitté le port de Southampton dimanche 10 septembre 2023.
The Elemen'Terre Project is an association founded in 2017, driven by Marie Tabarly, housed in the roaming flagship Pen-Duick VI.
The sailing boat was designed for Eric Tabarly in 1973 for the Whitbread Race (the first round-the-world race), so has been in service for exactly 50 years.
This legendary race is soon to be relaunched under the name OCEAN GLOBE RACE (0°G°R°), departing on 10 September 2023 in the same conditions as its very first edition: no GPS, no electronics, no satellite link - just a sextant and paper maps.
Having the Pen-Duick VI take part in the Ocean Globe Race will allow "The Elemen'Terre Project” association to circulate its messages and actions around the world.
Part-buccaneer at the helm of the Pen-Duick VI, championing environmental causes, part-Amazon when acting as the horse-whisperer, the young 39 year-old woman is resolutely determined both on land and out at sea.
As a sailor, artist and accomplished sportswoman who takes pleasure in many nature-based activities, her lifestyle has led her to develop a fervent environmental conscience and love for her natural surroundings.
Her free and modern mind has also been cradled by tradition and family history since her early childhood.